AfroIndigenous Healing

Building on our previous project with Caribbean communities, we recognize the important knowledge held by Indigenous, Afro-Indigenous, and Black traditional healing and ecological knowledge keepers in PNW communities. In their everyday practices, medicine people, curanderes, traditional ceremonialists, and TEK specialists decolonize false distinctions between healing the Earth, and healing our bodies, hearts, and minds; for them, we are all interconnected in sets of healing relations that ensure all life can continue. Through storytelling, we create a digital platform that shares how healers support communities disproportionately impacted by climate change; foster educational exchanges between migrant Afro-Indigenous communities, and local Native and African American communities; and train students on how to engage in climate and racial-justice research, community engagement, and digital humanities.


AlaĆ­ Reyes-Santos

Team Lead

Professor of Practice (pro-term), School of Law, University of Oregon

Ana-Maurine Lara

Team Lead

Associate Professor, Anthropology (University of Oregon)

Franny Gaede

Team Member

Director, Digital Scholarship Services (University of Oregon)

Azle Malinao-Alvarez

Team Member

Interactive Technology Consultant, UO Libraries (University of Oregon)

Kate Thornhill

Team Member

Digital Scholarship Librarian, Digital Scholarship Services (University of Oregon)

Joel A. Blanco Rivera

Team Member

Digital Storytelling on Puerto Rican Communities